Thursday, May 27, 2010

The Crime

A crime was committed sometime during the night at the Monds house. I will post the pictures in the order in which began to find out something was going on.
The Evidence: Odd Hair Found on the Carpet in the Den

The Victim: A poor Barbie from Natalie's room

The Suspects: Abby (my mom's dog) and Shadow (my sweet new Mother's Day gift)

Neither of the accused were willing to speak up and take responsibility for the poor dolls new hair do or her amputated arm. More evidence could be examined, but let's face it, that is just gross....LOL This crime will remain unsolved, and both dogs will have to sleep locked up.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Fun Adventures!!

As most of you know, Joel is currently in school to become a police officer. This makes little time for family time. Luckily he has been off this week and we have done family things each night. Except last night. My luck never does run out. I ended up with 3 dr appointments in Amarillo yesterday. My post op and Patrick to Dr. Kim's for shots. I also had to get tests done with Dr. Kim, making three total. I seem to have left my purse at work. But in order to fully understand how this happened, you must know how the day began.
It started with a frantic Natalie calling out for me in the middle of the night. Apparently Jayden had started puking and couldn't call me, so little sister to the rescue (see little sisters are good for somethings). I rush in there and help him to the bathroom. We were up again and again. At some point around 4, I decided there was no relief in sight. Jayden and I set up in the den. Him with a bowl and TV and me with a pillow and blanket. Sharing the couch with a grouchy basset hound was not the best sleeping scenario. Jayden finally quit the puking about 6:30. Then I had to get the other kids up and ready for the day ahead. Philip and Natalie had school and Patrick and I had Mother's Day Out. I decided to take Jayden with me because I knew he would be exhausted and would not make it at school.
Since it was the last day of class for me, I was somewhat excited!!!! Spending the day with 10 2 year olds proved to be as much fun as it could be!! (I will miss those cuties!!!) Getting everyone up from nap and getting all their things together to make the final trip home was my next step. Jayden had fallen asleep quicker than the 2 year olds...LOL He also slept the longest. I gathered all my things and took them to the car to get him up so I could start my next leg of the journey. I left my purse in my room because I did not want to leave it in the car. Upon returning into the building, Jayden met me in the hall. At last, I get to leave. And I have to get a move on because I had appts to get to. We get in the car and I take him home and Patrick and I head off to Amarillo. The drive there was in a stupor of pure exhaustion. When I decided I needed a stick of gum to keep me awake, I could not find my purse. Hunting my purse at 70 mph was not so wise. I did not find it. It hit me, it was still at work. ARGH!!! It had all my paperwork and Patrick's shot record in it. Well, great. I did not have any money, but luckily I did have my phone!!! My wonderful boss grabbed my purse for me. So I knew at the very least it was safe. I did not have the money for my copays. Do they let you see the dr without paying?!? I didn't want to find that out the hard way!!! I am so glad to have a brother there who could loan me the money to pay those!!! So Patrick and I were set!! So much for forgetting my purse! I had to see my brother anyway, so it wasn't out of the way!!
My first appt went great!!! I am healing fantastically!!! They told me most adults take a full 2 weeks of hydrocodone to recover. I told them I had not had any in four or five days. And the scabs are almost completely gone. I attribute that to a wonderful blessing I received before my surgery.
Off to the next set of apppointments. Patrick and shots...YIKES!! I had been prepping him for days so he knew what to expect. It was not going to be easy to get him his shots. Why do they have moms help hold down their babies while they torture them?!?!?! After the shots, Patrick was mad and couldn't walk. Those suckers hurt!!! Next it was time to get my blood drawn. Patrick did great during that part!!! LOL He was quite fascinated that mom was having it done without any tears. I couldn't let my baby see me cry and getting blood drawn isn't that painful anyway.
Now we set off to home. I was still exhausted and now minus 2 tubes of blood....haha I needed a drink!!! We stopped in Panhandle to get him and myself a drink and snack for the rest of the trip. I was still very thankful that my brother was able to give me enough money and then some!!
I made it home at 7 and still had dinner to do. Luckily I planned ahead and it was in the crockpot. Upon the realization that was what we were having, my kids revolted. They ate leftovers and sandwiches. I was too tired to care if they ate at all. Joel nicely choked down his dinner and it is no longer on our menu....LOL It was quite a day. It never seems to be calm around here!!! Good thing I know when to cry and when to laugh!!! Yesterday was full of laughing....hahaha